Grant Application Information 2018

When the IBC Network Foundation first formed in 2011, we wanted to create a very proactive charity to elevate Inflammatory Breast Cancer into the larger breast cancer conversation but to also have a place of stronger consideration in the research funding world.  Of...
An open letter to Joan Lunden

An open letter to Joan Lunden

This is an open letter from one of our friends, living with IBC. She also guest blogs for the IBC Network. Also on a side note, about 40% of women diagnosed with IBC are also triple negative. It is time to talk.   Dear Ms. Lunden, I was thrilled to see your cover...
Sonic & Research

Sonic & Research

Necessity is the mother of all inventions. The need was clear. Research was needed. It was early fall, 2011 and I didn’t know how I was mentally going to get though another “Pinktober”. Some find comfort in the “pinkness” of October. I don’t. I am happy for the...

Who is Heather?

Rare? I am Heather The David and Heather Ryan FamilyI got the call, “…she will not last much longer, I just wanted you to know”.  The drive from Friendswood, Texas to Tuscaloosa, Alabama is long, 9+ hours.  I got there as quickly as I could, but it was too late.   I...
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