Cancer Progress Report 13

Cancer Progress Report 13

Cancer Progress Report 13 Kim Alexander shares her story in the American Association of Cancer Research (AACR) Cancer Progress Report 2013. She has been living with inflammatory breast cancer since 2006 and is currently NED, no evidence of disease.  She was part of a...
Survivorship and Advocacy in Inflammatory Breast Cancer

Survivorship and Advocacy in Inflammatory Breast Cancer

Survivorship and Advocacy in Inflammatory Breast Cancer In February 2017, the Morgan Welch Inflammatory Breast Cancer (IBC) Research Program and Clinic hosted a scientific conference in Houston to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the opening of the first...
Inflammatory Breast Cancer and Social Security

Inflammatory Breast Cancer and Social Security

Inflammatory breast cancer patients are covered by Social Security benefits to help manage the financial strain of disease-related expenses. If you have been diagnosed with inflammatory breast cancer, you are also qualified to receive a Compassionate Allowance....
The person I can never thank

The person I can never thank

I feel like I owe my life to an ordinary woman I never met. She was just one more young woman, like a million others I suppose, looking forward to her future as she planned her wedding for the summer of 2004. But there was a small distraction. She noticed a persistent...
I Get To Have Another Another Birthday!

I Get To Have Another Another Birthday!

I have shared many times, eight actually about my joy over getting to have a bonus birthday post my triple negative inflammatory breast cancer diagnosed. I have shared my joy, my deeply heartfelt thoughts about the gift of one more birthday candle on my cake. I do not...
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