An open letter to Joan Lunden

An open letter to Joan Lunden

This is an open letter from one of our friends, living with IBC. She also guest blogs for the IBC Network. Also on a side note, about 40% of women diagnosed with IBC are also triple negative. It is time to talk.   Dear Ms. Lunden, I was thrilled to see your cover...
Debra Duncan and Friends

Debra Duncan and Friends

Today we were asked to be guests on the Debra Duncan show, Great Day Houston. We love Debra, she was kind enough to have us on the show earlier this year. She is very invested in our mission, for multiple reasons. First, she is a good woman, who cares about her...
Moms & Daughters

Moms & Daughters

I will never forget the feeling. It was the tiniest mark on her forehead. I put her down on a blanket on the floor of her nursery, she was only starting to crawl, I thought I could pop over to the laundry room across the house and be back before she even got to the...

Who is Heather?

Rare? I am Heather The David and Heather Ryan FamilyI got the call, “…she will not last much longer, I just wanted you to know”.  The drive from Friendswood, Texas to Tuscaloosa, Alabama is long, 9+ hours.  I got there as quickly as I could, but it was too late.   I...

Terry Arnold and the start of The IBC Network

Last week at the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, Kathy LaTour from Cure Magazine sat down with Wendy Woodward and I to discuss Inflammatory Breast Cancer.   Kathy, Thank you for getting Inflammatory Breast Cancer more exposure in Cure Magazine and for taking the...
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