Stories of Hope

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Vienna’s Story of Hope

Vienna’s Story of Hope

Age Diagnosed With IBC: 34 Year of Diagnosis: 2022 Current Status: NED Brief Story: In July 2022, I discovered a lump that seemed like it came out of nowhere. I scheduled a routine checkup with my ob/gyn in a couple weeks not thinking it would be anything serious. By...

Shareen’s Story of Hope

Shareen’s Story of Hope

At the age of 42, in 2023, Shareen received the life-altering diagnosis of Inflammatory Breast Cancer (IBC), here is her story: Four weeks into a new job, I'd been having pains in my breast which I put down to perimenopause symptoms. After my right breast began to...

Pamela’s Story of Hope

Pamela’s Story of Hope

Guest blog by Pamela Collins My name is Pamela Collins. I live outside Springfield, Missouri, in a rural area close to a major city. In 2013, I was diagnosed with Inflammatory Breast Cancer. I am sharing my story of hope. I was 53 years old at diagnosis, in good...

Tiffanny’s Story of Hope

Tiffanny’s Story of Hope

Guest blog post by Tiffanny December 21, 2016 Yes you guessed it!  "You have cancer"  head spinning , heart pounding, my entire life spinning out of control! After only 3-4 appointments, 3-4 diagnosis, 3-4 prescriptions, and me demanding a punch biopsy because of what...

Colleen’s Story of Hope

Colleen’s Story of Hope

My enemy first showed his presence in June 2022. He disguised himself to appear as a cyst I had grown all too familiar with, but I was too busy finishing the school year to give him any attention. The first two weeks of July, the enemy threw off his disguise and...

Dodi’s Story of Hope

Dodi’s Story of Hope

It has been 11 years since I heard those awful words…Inflammatory Breast Cancer! I had no idea what that meant and how it would change my life forever. I am thankful everyday for my doctors, JC, my BFF Sandy,  Mom (Ann Marie), Tadd, Katya, all of my IBC sisters,...

My Cancer Story – Christina Horan

My Cancer Story – Christina Horan

Guest blog by Christina HoranIt was a December morning in 2017 when I found out I had breast cancer at age 34. Roughly a month and half earlier a lump had appeared in my left breast and instantly my stomach sank. I just had a feeling it wasn’t something benign like a...

My IBC Story of Hope – By Paula Carney

My IBC Story of Hope – By Paula Carney

Guest blog by Paula Carney April 1, 2013 is the date of my pathology report diagnosing my punch biopsy as Inflammatory Breast Cancer (IBC). My dermatologist didn’t call me until the next morning. But still! April Fools’ Day. My story of breast cancer doesn’t start...

Reesa’s Story of Hope

Reesa’s Story of Hope

In the picture above, Reesa is holding a letter she received from her first mammogram giving her an all clear. But following her instincts, she continued to ask questions. "I was given my diagnosis on my 50th birthday. A big party had been arranged for the weekend 3...

Mag’s Story of Hope

Mag’s Story of Hope

Guest Blog by Mag Overcoming Inflammatory Breast Cancer: My Journey of Resilience You often begin by dismissing things, not paying attention, believing that breast cancer is something that only happens to other people, never to you. Well, guess what? It's my turn now....

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