Bo’s IBC Story

We hear all the time, “Why is IBC not more well known?”  IBC is viewed as rare and rare disease are “orphaned.”  Orphaned in the medical community means not taught in class, funded for research or even presented in medical conferences. We are...
Moms & Daughters

Moms & Daughters

I will never forget the feeling. It was the tiniest mark on her forehead. I put her down on a blanket on the floor of her nursery, she was only starting to crawl, I thought I could pop over to the laundry room across the house and be back before she even got to the...
IBC Presents Grant for Brain Metastasis

IBC Presents Grant for Brain Metastasis

On Thursday, February 27, 2014 at 9:30 am, The IBC Network Foundation will present a grant in the amount of $50,000, to Dr. Bisrat Debeb, Assistant Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology, Division of Radiation Oncology, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer...

Suites of Hope: Condo for Cancer Patients

Every so often, we get the pleasure of hearing a truly moving story of someone that has been impacted by Breast Cancer or IBC and has changed the world around them. Well, Rachel Midgett and her family have done just that. Rachel was diagnosed with Stage IV breast...
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