General, Stories of Hope - App
Age Diagnosed With IBC: 34 Year of Diagnosis: 2022 Current Status: NED Brief Story: In July 2022, I discovered a lump that seemed like it came out of nowhere. I scheduled a routine checkup with my ob/gyn in a couple weeks not thinking it would be anything serious. By...
General, Stories of Hope - App
At the age of 42, in 2023, Shareen received the life-altering diagnosis of Inflammatory Breast Cancer (IBC), here is her story: Four weeks into a new job, I’d been having pains in my breast which I put down to perimenopause symptoms. After my right breast began...
General, Guest Blog, Stories of Hope - App
Guest blog by Pamela Collins My name is Pamela Collins. I live outside Springfield, Missouri, in a rural area close to a major city. In 2013, I was diagnosed with Inflammatory Breast Cancer. I am sharing my story of hope. I was 53 years old at diagnosis, in good...