It has been 11 years since I heard those awful words…Inflammatory Breast Cancer! I had no idea what that meant and how it would change my life forever. I am thankful everyday for my doctors, JC, my BFF Sandy,  Mom (Ann Marie), Tadd, Katya, all of my IBC sisters, family and friends. I have the most amazing support system and I will always be thankful for them. To be honest this day is difficult …in one breath I am so thankful to be here watching my sweet baby niece growing up and in the next breath I have lost some amazing IBC sisters that aren’t here watching their own babies growing up…that part is heartbreaking! It’s a double edged sword for me! Even though the side effects can be and are debilitating from the treatments I am thankful I was able to receive treatments.  I will continue to always honor my sweet and loving IBC sisters who are now my angels.

Hope Always!
Happy 11 bonus years!

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