On September 09, 2013 someone wrote me and commented on how hard it must’ve been for me when Lori died since she and I were so close.
I told him it was difficult, but unfortunately Lori is not the first friend I had lost to IBC.
I told him I’ve met thousands of women online diagnosed with this disease.
And that I have lost count of how many hundreds I have met in person.
And I have lost count of how many have died.
But I have not lost count of how many I knew personally to have died.
I have known 17 women who have been taken by IBC.
Youngest was only 27.
I could tell my friend was really taken aback…. He just stuttered…
…sometimes I envy the lack of experience others have with this disease.
Today, September 11, 2013, the number is now 18.
Peace to you Sharon, I miss you already.
I will hope, but tonight, through my tears,